Human Trafficking 101: Understanding Child Sex Trafficking in Wisconsin

This training is for the professionals who may come into contact with children and youth who are being sex trafficked but who do not work in county or tribal child welfare*: therapists, mental and behavioral health providers, social workers, staff at out-of-home care programs for youth in the child welfare system, runaway and homeless youth providers, educators, and advocates. Note: Law enforcement and medical providers should check with their respective training organizations about similar training that may be available.

County & tribal child welfare workers and foster parents & other caregivers can find information about the training that was developed specifically for them on the WCWPDS website as follows:

Sex trafficking of children and youth is a growing concern nationally and in Wisconsin. Sex trafficking affects counties and Tribes throughout the state. It is both an urban and rural issue.
This course is designed to provide important information to professionals who may come into contact with children and youth who are being sex trafficked.

There are six modules in this course, covering topics such as:

  • Scope of child sex trafficking
  • Dynamics of child sex trafficking
  • Factors that increase a youth’s vulnerability to child sex trafficking
  • Indicators that a child may be at risk or being sex trafficked
  • The experience of leaving sex trafficking or “the life”
  • Resources available in Wisconsin

Learning objectives

  1. Describe what child sex trafficking is and the risk factors that make a youth more vulnerable to trafficking.
  2. Analyze the various stages of responding to sex trafficking cases, from identifying the warning signs to the difficulties often faced when getting youth to leave a trafficker / “the life”.
  3. Compare general best practices and the resources available in Wisconsin.
Once you have completed all 6 modules of the training, click on the green “submit” button at the bottom of this webpage to print your own completion certificate.