Training priorities for tribal child welfare workers are identified through the Intertribal Child Welfare (ICW) Training Partnership Steering Committee. The Steering Committee consists of ICW Directors of all eleven Wisconsin tribes and meets on a bi-monthly basis to discuss training needs. There are typically 3-5 tribal-specific training sessions held each year. Additionally, tribal child welfare workers are encouraged to attend any trainings held through the Wisconsin Child Welfare Professional Development System that meet their individual training needs.

Tribal-specific training sessions generally have priority registration for tribal child welfare workers. The Steering Committee decides whether it is appropriate to make these sessions available to county child welfare workers as well as tribal staff. If county child welfare workers are going to be able to attend a session, it will typically be open for them to register only after tribal child welfare workers have been given adequate time to register. The Intertribal Child Welfare Specialist notifies ICW directors and tribal child welfare staff when new tribal-specific training courses are available in PDS Online for registration.
Any questions or ideas regarding ICW Worker Training should be directed to Heather Halonie, Intertribal Child Welfare Specialist at (715) 416-3535 or