Victoria (Vicki) Heling

Position title: WiLearn Coordinator and Foundation/Youth Justice Trainer


Phone: (608) 514-6668

Vicki Heling is a Child Welfare Foundation and Youth Justice Trainer and WiLearn Coordinator through Wisconsin Child Welfare Professional Development Services. Prior to coming to WCWPDS in 2016, Vicki worked for over 16 years in the child welfare/youth justice systems including 3 ½ years as a supervisor. Vicki oversaw the Access, Initial Assessment, CPS Ongoing, Ongoing Youth Justice, and Youth Justice Intake units in addition to Foster Care, Kinship Care, Independent Living and Childcare Certification programs. Vicki graduated from UWGB in 1999 with a degree in Human Development with an emphasis in preclinical counseling and a minor in psychology. In 2002 she obtained her Social Work Certification and in 2004, Vicki received a master’s degree in Community Counseling through Lakeland University.